BUKU REFERENSI The Potential of Tourism Villages on South Sumatera

Judul: BUKU REFERENSI The Potential of Tourism Villages on South Sumatera

Penulis : Abdul Waris, Ula Tasyania, Siti Nurzanna, Tika Mayasari, Umi Puspita, Annisaa Syafriani, Resa Putri Wulandari, Amelia Sisma Putri, Fifi Amanda Rahmadila, Tarisa Novia, Muhammad Yudha Prasta, Ridho Kurnia Saputra, Muhammad Rico Alpasha, Sindi Pratiwi Septiani, Refen, Aisyah Balqis, Fila Rio, Muhammad Anugrah Fadli, Dessy Ayu Permata Sari, Adi Dwi Putra, Sania Hasmalika.

Penerbit: Insan Cendekia Palembang

Tahun Terbit: 2024

Ukuran: A4 (21 x 29 cm)

Jumlah Halaman: viii + 121hlm

ISBN: Dalam Proses

Kategori : Potential, Villages, Tourism, South Sumatera



This book presents the comprehensive analysis of the potential or rural tourism development villages in three regencies (Ogan Ilir, Ogan Komering Ilir, and Musi Banyuasin) located in South Sumatera,Indonesia.

Based on filed research and data collection in conjunction with KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) programs, a mandatory community service programforn Indonesian college students that aims to develop their character and skills while contributing to society. The author explore the unique cultural, natural, and historical offerings of these regions. Examining local community, such as the readiness infrastructure, limited acces to markets, and means of promotion existing yourism assets as part of makin communication input.

This emphasizes the importance of community engagement, capacity building, government involvement, and sustainable practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of the village tourisme initiative.

Posted in Buku.