Judul: BUKU REFERENSI Harnessing The Power Of Blended Learning A Comparative Analysis Of Indonesia And Malaysia In The Era Of AI War
Penulis : Dr. Muhamad Fauzi, M.Ag., Faizatul Mabruroh, M.Pd., M. Jhoni, M.Pd., Saipul Anwar, S.Kom., M.I.Kom.
Dr. Maslinawati Mohamad
Penerbit: Insan Cendekia Palembang
Tahun Terbit: 2023
Ukuran: B5 (15,5 x 23 cm)
Jumlah Halaman: 134 hlm
ISBN: Dalam Proses
Kategori : Harnessing, Belnded Learning, Comparative, AI
This book provides an overview of the harnessing the power of Blended Learning in Indonesia and Malaysia. There is a generally positive attitude towards blended learning at Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang in Indonesia. The university has made efforts to establish clear definitions, support infrastructure, and incorporate technology into teaching. However, there are areas that may require further attention, such as distinguishing between blended and traditional classes in the registration system and the need for a more balanced approach to pedagogic support. Additionally, faculty members are actively using various blended learning methods and assessment tools, including AI-based teaching materials. This indicates a willingness to adapt to the evolving landscape of education in the AI era. Overall, the institution is on the right path towards effectively harnessing the power of blended learning in the era of artificial intelligence. Besides that, University of Technology Malaysia has embarked on a journey to harness the potential of blended learning in the era of Artificial Intelligence. The positive attitude of faculty members, coupled with the institution’s commitment to strategic planning and adaptive definitions, forms a strong foundation for the integration of blended learning. The evolving landscape in technological infrastructure and pedagogical support demonstrates readiness to adapt to changing educator and learner needs.